What are your areas of expertise?2020-06-24T08:15:05-04:00

We help businesses market their products to other businesses (B2B) in manufacturing and related industries. Frequently these types of products require engineering, sales, and distribution. If you need an agency specializing in marketing to individuals or consumers (B2C), then we’re not the best fit. It’s not our favorite sandbox in which to play.

What are the core values of your firm? How do these values affect your clients?2020-07-06T19:17:16-04:00

Our core values include honesty, candor, dedication, and collaboration. With strategy, sound creative, data and analytics we help drive positive results. At Buckaroo, we keep our clients’ best interests in mind. This claim is proven by the fact that our average client tenure is 8.25 years.

For creative work, how much can I edit, review or redirect work? Is there a limit on revisions?2020-06-23T16:01:21-04:00

We actively work with you during the creative process to avoid major revisions which we define as a complete overhaul or moving in a different direction. Minor revisions are typically limited to a quantity of two depending on the project scope. We can of course discuss if you have a concern.

What does your pricing structure look like?2020-06-24T08:24:48-04:00

Typically, the majority of our clients keep us on retainer for 12-18 month renewable contracts. Sound scary? It isn’t because if either you or we need to move in a different direction, we simply need a 60-day notice. But all of that is in our contract (in regular-sized print) and we can review together before engagement.

Do you receive financial incentives for products and services you may recommend? Do you get commissions or affiliate fees?2020-06-22T18:47:18-04:00

Bottom line. We do not receive financial incentives, also known as a spiff, for products and services we recommend. Nor do we receive any commissions or affiliate fees. Why? Because that’s not in your best interest. For example, if you need “A” and we push “B” because we get a spiff, then there is a conflict of interest. By avoiding spiffs, we remain impartial. Also, we are flexible to work with your existing partnerships, such as a printer or web host provider.

To work with your company, do we have to work on a retainer basis?2020-06-22T19:00:42-04:00

Absolutely not. We work within your budget, whether it consists of a single project or multiple projects.

However, when working on retainer, we can assess all the components of your marketing campaign. If a particular tactic isn’t meeting expectations, we simply reallocate that investment to a different area. Being on retainer allows us to positively affect and stay within your budget and avoid waste.

It’s your call. We’re good either way. Whatever works best in your circumstances – project based, retainer or a combination of both.

What is responsive design and why is it important?2020-06-24T07:55:01-04:00

Globally, we live in a multi-screen environment. When a website’s content reformats and automatically scales based on the type of device accessing it (desktop, tablet, or phone ), the website is responsive. Before this technology, a user had to pan in and zoom out excessively to see the buttons, links, and images. Responsive design makes your company, products, and services easier to access via the Internet.

What forms of payment do you accept?2020-06-24T08:26:21-04:00

We accept corporate checks, Mastercard, and Visa. Our standard terms are Net 30 days.

How long does it take to get results from content marketing?2020-07-06T19:20:36-04:00

Content marketing is another name for inbound marketing, and it involves the creation and sharing of online material (video, blogs, social media, and the like).

So how long does it take to get results? Unfortunately, there isn’t a pat answer because the results pivot on your company’s business goals. Content marketing grows exponentially rather than linearly. So as more useful content is produced, the more prospects and search engines will find you. With that said, the industry average to see the results of your efforts is 6 to 12-months.

However, according to DemandMetric, content marketing costs about 62% less than traditional marketing and per dollar spent, it generates about 3 times as many leads. Regardless, it is important to track and measure all marketing efforts to make sure it’s adding value to your company and the bottom line.

What is the difference between inbound and outbound marketing?2020-07-06T19:21:50-04:00

Inbound Marketing creates and distributes relevant and valuable content that customers or potential customers want. The useful content draws visitors in or toward your website, bringing them closer to you and to your brand. With valuable content, inbound marketing engages prospects, converts them into customers and then loyal followers. The marketing channels typically used with inbound marketing include blogs, vlogs, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Pay-per-click (PPC), social media, videos, infographics, eNewsletters, whitepapers, eBooks, podcasts, webinars and more. With inbound marketing, communication is interactive or two-way. Prospects and customers come to you since they are more in control of what information they receive, when and how.

Outbound Marketing consists of more traditional forms of marketing such as direct mail, cold calling, radio and television ads, trade shows, print ads, door-to-door sales, telemarketing, and seminar series. With outbound marketing, messages are pushed out to potential prospects in hopes of finding those people with whom your message resonates. With outbound marketing, the company controls the messaging and the communication is one-way.

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